Two large solar farms in Portugal, protected with DAT CONTROLER PLUS 60

Two large solar farms in Portugal, protected with DAT CONTROLER PLUS 60

The design of the air terminal’s location considered the use of existing structures and minimizing shadows

Early Streamer Emission Air Terminals are ideal for protecting large, open areas such as solar farms since, when they are installed just some meters over the objects to be protected, their protection radius can cover tens of meters (up to a bit more than 100m depending on the protection level).

Nowadays, DAT CONTROLER PLUS air terminals protect two solar farms in Portugal: Ferreira de Alentejo and Porterinhos. They were installed on inverters buildings, on lamp post and also, where no other structure was available, on 10 meters self-standing masts, always caring to minimize possible shadows on solar panels.

+ Info about DAT CONTROLER PLUS Early Streamer Emission Air Terminals